
Jul 15, 2016

Mango,Sago Dessert

I went to my cousin Gayatri's house. She made a dessert with mango, sago and almond milk dessert.I liked it very much. Here is the recipe.


Mango  Pieces                           1cup
Coconut Milk or Almond milk       2cups
Sago                                             3tbsp
Cardamom Powder                     1/4tsp


Remove the skin of the mango and cut into cubes.
Boil some water and cook the sago till it changes the color.
Filter the water and  remove the starch with cold water and filter.
Blend coconut milk two tablespoon mango pieces.
Add mango pieces ,sago and cardamom powder.
If needed add sugar.
Chill the dessert and serve. Very refreshing.
Instead of sago, can use chia seeds.